Balance of Knowledge

Knowledge defined: the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.)  Many quotes featuring knowledge come to mind.  The most famous, perhaps, is an English proverb attributed to a well-known philosopher:

— “Knowledge is power.”  Sir Francis Bacon [1561—1626]

Essentially, knowledge is more powerful than physical strength, as it motivates us to study and acquire knowledge, and aids us to think for ourselves and not having to rely on the thoughts of others. How does one acquire knowledge?  One of the best scientists put it simply:

— “The only source of knowledge is experience.”  Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

 Acquiring knowledge may not be enough to gain power.  A Japanese proverb warns:

— “The old forget; the young don’t know.”

To be sure, we gain wisdom as we age, but when the ability to draw on our acquired wisdom fails, we become less wise because of a faulty memory.  The young do not have that problem because their reservoirs of acquired knowledge is low.  Knowing something, whatever it may be, beats not knowing anything, but to those who know something, when memory fails, the result is the same — unless the person forgetting can reignite his synapses to remember.  Both the forgetful old and the unknowing young must rely on a middle-ager to take the next step, whatever that may be.

Another reflective expression, usually used in sports contests:

— “You can’t put an old head on young shoulders.”

In a big game or championship contest, the young frequently collapse for inexperience in handling the stress and anxiety of expected performance.  While the veteran may not be as quick as energetic as a young player, his performance is more predictable and steady. 

— “Slow and steady wins the race.”  Aesop (620—564 BCE.) 

The extent of prior experience aids in adapting to the pressures of the moment.  An older actor may well adapt to the pressure of performance, but if he forgets his lines, he does no one any good.  

Conclusion:  Knowledge is power only if you can attain and retain it.