Horror Scope

For those of you who may read your daily horoscope in a local newspaper, a recent article reveals that our birth Zodiac sign may have moved disturbingly into another constellation, thus changing your beloved zodiac sign.  it seems that the Earth’s “slow wobble” has changed the date ranges by about one month.  (McGinty, Jo Craven. “Your Zodiac Sign Isn’t aligned With Stars.”  Wall Street Journal, 22-23 Feb. 2020:  A2.) 

Each zodiac sign is associated with an element; i.e. water, fire, earth or air; and a planet, which becomes its ruler and effects how your zodiac sign interacts with others.  (horoscope.com)  Yikes!  For most people, everything your sign told you about yourself is now wrong, because you were born under an outdated sign, requiring you to move backward to the preceding sign.  Therefore, the tenacious and persuasive Cancer now becomes a gentle, affectionate Gemini.  Other stark differences exist for the other signs.  People who guide their lives by their daily zodiac message are strolling down the wrong path.  How sad!    

I was born a solid Pisces, but now my sign sets on the cusp of Aquarius, thus moving from a Piscine romantic dreamer to an irresponsible, absent-minded Aquarius.  How upsetting!  I am comforted to know, however, that my newly formed traits do not come from aging, but merely from the sun shining into a different constellation than I was led to believe.  A good thing:  setting on the cusp, I straddle the best and the worst of both, allowing me to choose the best traits.  Not all folks are so lucky. 

How many people have searched the signs to select a date or mate?  In my youth, I recall some girls would ask me for my birth date, and immediately tell me my zodiac sign, only to discover that any potential romance was over because it was not astrologically compatible with her sign — notwithstanding my Piscine romantic reputation.  Alarmingly, two compatible signs of old may be incompatible today, as  it was at the outset.  Perhaps, the shifting Zodiac is responsible for the high divorce rate these days.  Earth wobble is the culprit.

For some folks, their horoscope has evolved into a horror scope.  

Janus Words

Janus, the Roman god regarded as the gatekeeper of heaven, is usually depicted with two faces, front and back, each face presenting opposite views.; i.e. a two-faced icon.  (oxforddictionaries.com)  Depending on the answer you want, you have to catch Janus on his best side.  The English language includes several “Janus” words; i.e., words that are spelled and spoken the same, but strangely have opposite meanings, sometimes referred to as “contronyms., or occasionally as “contranyms”   A contronym comprises a homonym (a word with the same spelling, but different meaning), which is also an antonym (a word with an opposite meaning.)  Got that?  

Whoa!, you may say.  How can that be?  Contronyms, however, are not as rare as one may first believe.  Lets look at a few, as defined in the Goggle dictionary:

— Sanction:  (1) a threatened penalty for disobeying a law; (2) official permission or approval for an action.

— Fast:  (1) to move at high speed; (2) secured not to move.

— Cleave: (1) to adhere firmly, stick together; (2) to separate, as by splitting a diamond.

— Peruse:  (1) to read quickly, skim; (2) to read carefully.

— Overlook:  (1) to watch; (2) fail to notice.

— Model:  (1) The original; (2) A copy.

— Left:  (1) departed; (2) left behind.

—  Enjoin: (1) to prohibit an act; (2) to enforce an action.

— Finish: (1) completed; (2) destroyed.

— Continue: (1) to keep doing an action; (2) to suspend an action.

— Handicap: An advantage to ensure equality; (2) a disadvantage that prevents equality.

My two favorite contronyms:  sanction and peruse, which may be the most frequently used and cause the most uncertainly.  In order to understand the correct meaning of these words, one must concentrate on the context of the spoken or written word, not the word itself.  More Janus words exist, but to “peruse” the ten above should provide a “fast” “overlook” with an uncertain “finish.”  I will “continue” further comment.