Four Letter Words Revisited

Though the four letter word PHAT sounds like neither FARD nor PHOT, it differs from PHOT by only one letter to warrant inclusion. Both FARD and PHOT sound like a bathroom words, but each enjoys a clean meaning; whereas PHAT bears multiple meanings, some of which are good, and even relevant to this post. PHAT harbors a technical term, a favorable connotation, as well as a blue meaning in some circles.

According to my old Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1980): PHAT is an adjective describing “of copy or type matter: susceptible to easy and rapid setting.” No help here.

An American Slang Dictionary expanded the meaning to:
1. Excellent; very good, pleasing, desirable: everything is phat
2. Musically, describing a full, deep, and bassy sound originating from hip-hop.
A little better, but still no off-color connotation. All remains well, not a blue note in the bunch.

But by delving into the word origin of PHAT, we discover that it took on a Hip Hop connotation in the 1980’s as the “sexiness in a woman,” and may have originated as an acronym for: ”pretty hot and tasty,” Online Etymology Dictionary (2010); or perhaps as offers, for “pretty hips and t- – s” or “pretty hips , a – – , and t – – s.“ I have omitted certain letters to titillate the reader’s imagination, and to keep it clean. An acronym which picks up false etymologies are known as “backronyms,” meaning that the usage came later. Irrespective of PHAT being an acronym or a backronym, the useage still applies. Aha! Now we are getting somewhere.

Accordingly, PHAT qualifies as a four letter word to describe female attributes deemed important to some male admirers. Notwithstanding its “favorable” connotation from the male viewpoint, I must raise an important word of caution: before one uses PHAT to compliment or to nurture a relationship, one should be aware that no self-respecting female would tolerate being described as being PHAT!  The peaceful ambience would abound with multiple four letter words in retribution.

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